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Flood Insurance

Flood insurance protects you from losses due to a flood not covered by your homeowners insurance. Flooding has the power to damage not only your home and sense of security, but also your financial future
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What Is Flood Insurance?

When disaster strikes, flood insurance policyholder claims are paid even if a disaster is not federally declared. Flood insurance means you’ll be reimbursed for all your covered losses. And unlike federal aid, it never has to be repaid.

In general, a policy does not take effect until 30 days after you purchase flood insurance. So if the weather forecast announces a flood alert for your area and you go to purchase coverage, it’s already too late. You will not be insured if you buy a policy a few days before a flood.

Why Do You Need Flood Insurance?

A Federal Emergency Management Agency official had a frank message for Floridians at an insurance conference, the Miami Herald reports.

Roy Wright, who oversees FEMA’s National Flood Insurance Program, said Floridians should look at their driver’s licenses, rather than bother with flood zone maps. “If it says Florida, you need flood insurance,” Roy Wright said in Miami Beach on March 5, 2018. “It may be more helpful than trying to find the right map.

”FEMA’s flood insurance program covers nearly three times as many policies in Florida than in any other US state. Most of the state’s coastal communities are predicted to be underwater by 2100, and Miami Beach is already flooding regularly. With storms like Hurricane Irma battering the state with more intensity thanks to climate change, flood insurance seems like a really good idea.
Questions to Ask Your Agent

Your independent agent is an advocate for finding flood insurance that meets your specific needs. Here are a few things to consider as you prepare for the discussion:

  • Do I need flood insurance?

  • What does flood insurance protect my house from?

  • What doesn’t it protect my house from?

  • What exclusions should I look for?

  • What should I do before a storm?


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